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Music Support Group

Parents of students involved in the Music Program form this committee. They help raise money for specific projects during the year and generally support the staff and students in their musical endeavours.

Over the years, the Music Support Group has made extensive donations of funds to enrich the experience of all Music students. Some of the items that have been purchased with these funds include:

In addition, the Music Support Group made significant donations towards the cost of the 2010, 2012 and 2016 Music Tours, reducing the cost of the tour by hundreds of dollars for those College families sending students on the tour.
A strong Music Support Group is an important ingredient in the success of the OC Music Program and the parents who volunteer their time on the committee and at various fundraising events; play an integral role in the life of the Music Program.
A number of key performance events require a great deal of support from the Music Support Group and the various external groups who hire the Lingo Lin have come to appreciate the hard work of the Music Support Group running canteens, BBQs and bars.
The support group relies on the generosity of our College families and the more parents who volunteer, the easier it is to distribute the workload and responsibility. If you would like to be a part of this committee please contact Mrs Dron at the College.